from ¡ay chihuahua! to southeast asia

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

nail biter

the outcome of sunday's presidential election hangs in the balance... this morning's news brought some hope... AMLO trails by 400,000 or so votes, and as it turns out the lovely, very competent folks who are counting the votes hadn't mentioned that 3 million votes - from the far flung regions of the country and who knows where else - are still at large. it's unclear to me if there is any firm idea of when exactly we might know - at least unofficially - who won. the mood at work is still pretty down and out, but jennifer is keeping up with the reports of double-counted votes and such, so she is trying to keep the hope alive.

this week is off to a good start. my stomach is back to normal, though i have not yet tested it with anything that doesn't revolve around bread, rice or potatoes. not entirely true, actually... i was forgetting the gigantic piece of blackberry cheesecake i started my morning with today (it was the E.D.'s birthday yesterday, so we had a belated celebration) and that seems to be sitting O.K.

like my digestive system, all pieces of my life here seem to be settling down very nicely. it felt like it clicked just yesterday. i got into more of the meat of things at work, and then went into downtown for the evening (the metro at rush hour is NUTSO). i am feeling more motivated to get out and explore new things and generally not be such a wimp. as many many people told me before i left seattle, mexico city is not the scary place that people make it out to be. i may eat my words later, but for now i am beginning to feel right at home. and the truly brilliant part of it all is that the language business really does get easier.


Blogger scooterlulu said...

You are nothing if not adventurous Nattie! Remember our like 3rd night of college when you decided to practice rollerblading to class? Who ever would have thought THAT would be a good idea. Grab Mexico by the horns because you will never have another experience like this!

Stay safe though.

Miss you! Love, roomie

7:16 AM  
Blogger jonesie said...

I kid you not, I have absolutely NO recollection of that. It makes me wonder if you made it up?

If it's true, I do have some vague memory of noticing that the famed "path" at St. Mary's was less than smooth... maybe the rollerblading experiment is at the root.

11:50 AM  

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