a microscopic fish in the world's biggest Spanish-speaking pond

I just got back to Seattle from a wonderful, sunny wedding in the Caribbean, where I added a 4-foot veil to my list of fashion "must-haves", and discovered that drinks with a lot of rum do wonders for my dance moves. Next up is my summer in Mexico City... as of Monday, June 19, I - armed with one year of graduate study in Public Administration and severely limited Spanish skills - will be doing my best as an intern with a reproductive choice advocacy organization in the Mexican capital.
This blog is where I will chronicle the three month adventure, and hope you will join me. 20 million people and really bad air pollution is a lot to take on all alone.
Hi Nathalie! I, too, am working on a blog! I'm a little shy, though, and haven't told anyone yet (save one timotee). I'm very excited to keep up with your travels. Que lastima! Los platos grandes, por favor! I've exhausted my Spanish.
nattie! you are going to rock mexico. i will watch and admire. i love you! you are my hero! mwah!
Como se dice en Espanol, "Is this taco vegan?"
Have fun, can't wait to hear about it.
oh sorry, that last post was by me
alright, you've had a night of rest in your new town. get to bloggin'! :)
Nattie!!! How very exciting! I can't wait to hear all the stories. I wonder if your mexican roommate will offer any competition to the best roommate ever...ME! Scott and I have a blog too...
We should link to eachother.
Miss you terribly! Love, Laurie
hello nat,
this is your mamacita checking in. So happy you have safely arrived and would like to get an address in coyoucan via our private e-mail please-- it's working again. You know how the parentals fret about these things.
Hope all is rolling along and that you are loving that part of the city. Don't let the language stump you-- just keep intuiting and using your considerable linguistic skills to work through it all.
love, hugs ,etc etc (this is too public for my taste) love the parentals
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